About Coach Kelly

I’m married to my high school sweetheart and mom to three kiddos, age 6 and under. Since I started running in 2011, I have ran over 25 half marathons, 7 marathons, and two 50k ultras. Running has been with me through college, jobs changes, marriage, three pregnancies, postpartum, and more. It is my life but not always my day-to-day priority and I know it’s the same for you, too.

I started my coaching experience back in college when I volunteered for Girls on the Run. After college, I created a foster care youth running program for a local foster care nonprofit. I loved the challenge of creating a running program for all different levels of experience.

As a certified running coach through V.02 and completed the Health Mindset Coach certification, I’m so happy to work with runners of all levels and experience.


My coaching style is very personal to who you are as a runner and person. All training programs are individual to you. I care very much about your life along with training because it all works together. Running is not just about getting in training runs. It is our alone time, our time with friends, family time, and more. As your coach, I’m here to work with you one on one through your ups and downs. It’s a journey that involves both your mind and body. I’m here to use my knowledge and experience to help you conquer mental barriers along with training your body. 

I will push you to best person and runner you can be. I will cheer you on and lift you up. I will keep you accountable and be your sounding board while helping you strategize ways to conquer your goals. 

I coach all levels of runners - no matter where you are in your running journey, I'm here!